domingo, 3 de abril de 2011


É possível trabalharmos o vocabulário e a fluência em Língua Inglesa de
nossos alunos sem “mandá-los” decorar enormes listas como se eles
precisassem conhecer o dicionário, bem como é possível que eles adquiram
uma segunda língua sem os transtornos gramaticais aos quais são submetidos.
A seguir citaremos exemplos de atividades que podem ser desenvolvidas
rapidamente, não requerem muitos materiais, mas estimulam e descontraem
o ambiente ao mesmo tempo em que propiciam oportunidades de aquisição
de vocabulário, fluência, e assimilação da estrutura gramatical do idioma-alvo:

1 Catch
Time: very short
Level: any
Materials: ball (or other throwable item)
Purpose: various review, student fluency
Instructions: Choose a set of vocabulary items. The student holding the ball says
an item and throws the ball to another student. That student has to say the previous
item and them their own item.
Alternatives: Students each have on vocab item. You say your own item and the item
of the student to whom you’re throwing the ball.

2 Frozen tag
Time: 5 minutes or more
Level any
Materials: cards (with words or pictures representing vocabulary), space
Purpose: various review, fluency
Instructions: Hand out the cards, one to each student and practice the vocab so that
everyone knows their own word. One person is “it”. When they touch another person,
they become frozen (can’t move) but their friends can unfreeze them. To do this, the
friend tells the frozen person what’s on their card. The frozen person then either
repeats or acts out the item. Then they are free.
Alternatives: from time to time have students switch cards and teach each other their
own vocabulary and change the person who is “it”.

3 Market Memory Game
Time: 5-10 minutes
Level: Upper beginner to intermediate
Materials: pictures or lists of market items (fruit, juice, etc.)
Purpose: to practice quantifiers, countable or uncountable nouns & memory.
Instructions: This morning, I went to the market and bought ………..(some apples)
Groups then work around the circle. Each must repeat all the items added by
previous students and add their own. You can add a twist with the requirement
that items must be alphabetical, i.e.., some apples, some bananas, a comb, etc.

4 Do It
Time: 5-10 minutes
Level: Absolute beginners to intermediate
Materials: none
Purpose: to understand spoken commands
• This works better if the teacher has a list of commands in mind (7-16 that the
students have studied before)
• Students split into two teams.
• The teacher says a command.
• The first student to raise their hand stands up and performs the command.
• If they get the meaning right, they get another point, if not, the other team
gets a chance.

5 Blind Olympics
Time: 15-20 minutes
Level: Beginner to intermediate
Materials: classroom and classroom furniture, blindfolds
Purpose: to practice giving directions
• Rearrange class into an open space
• Make two (or more) teams
• In each team one person is blind folded
• The other students make the class into an obstacle course
• Students from each group give directions to their candidate to reach the finishing
line at end of the room.
• Every time their competitor touches an item in the room they loose a point and
if they touch the other competitor they loose two points (or any combination you like).
Os jogos descritos acima representam uma pequena amostra das inúmeras
possibilidades de incluir o lúdico em sala de aula, no ensino de uma Língua Estrangeira.
Perdendo a característica de recreação, as atividades lúdicas são mais que isto:
representam uma outra visão da prática pedagógica instaurada há tanto tempo nas
salas de aula. O Lúdico não tem o peso de um método de ensino, mas pode muito
bem ser adotado como principal norteador de nosso planejamento docente.

Não deixe de ler o artigo "O LÚDICO E SUA RELAÇÃO COM O ENSINO DE
LÍNGUA ESTRANGEIRA PARA CRIANÇAS", de autoria da professora
Júlia Pereira Damasceno de Moraes, na íntegra, disponível em:


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